Le definitiones del lemmas del IED revela un profunde cognoscentia del lingua anglese (e anque del conceptos international subjacente a cata un del entratas), ben que on pote trovar passim alcun parve faltas, super toto le manco de nove acceptiones.
Hic es presentate alcun propositiones de melioration.
(Iste lista (augmentate) esseva publicate in Vocabulario de Interlingua: Addenda al IED.)
Le ver adepto:
adepto n adept
adepto n adept; especially: [Alchem.] as in "initiated into the secrets of the Art"
alpha n alpha ( = the first letter of the Greek alphabet);
alpha n 1. alpha ( = the first letter of the Greek alphabet); 2. [Astron.] Alpha, alpha (as in "alpha and beta Gemini");
alpha privative [Ling.] privative alpha
Reguardar le sacrificio:
altar n altar
altar n ---
- Altar [Astron.] Ara
Un parola de alte rango:
alte adj 1. high; 2. loud;
alte adj 1. high; tall, lofty; 2. loud;
- un arbore, edificio, femina, alte a tall tree, building, woman
Fluvios e effluvios
-alveo n trough, tub; also: bathtub
alveo n 1. trough, tub; also: bathtub; 2. "the bed of a river"
Alveolos protegite:
alveolo (-éolo) n 1. cell (of a honeycomb); 2. socket (of a tooth)
alveolo (-éolo) n I. alveolus (1. cell (of a honeycomb); 2. air cell,
air sac (of a lung); 3. socket (of a tooth)); II. [Elec. Engin.]
Confutatis maledictis
anathema [-ma/-mat-] (-átema) n [Eccl.] anathema
anathema [-ma/-mat-] (-átema) n anathema ([Eccl.]; also: execration; malediction)
Le acido del angelos:
angelic adj angelic;
angelic adj angelic;
- acido angelic [Chem.] angelic acid
Desde Sallustio que le constellation del Abruzzi non remane immutate:
aquila (á-) n eagle
aquila (á-) n eagle
- Aquila [Astron.] Aquila, the Eagle
- Aquila [Geog.] Aquila, L'Aquila
Arbitro sin arbitrio:
arbitrio n will, volition;- libere arbitrio free will
AAh! le acido del rhetores:
asiatic adj Asiatic (1. pertaining to Asia; 2. [Rhet.] florid, ornate)asiatic adj ---
acido asiatic [Chem.] asiatic acid
Qual aspecto!
aspecto n aspect (1. look, appearance; 2. "one of the aspects of a question"; 3. [Astrol.])
aspecto n aspect (1. look, appearance; 2. "one of the aspects of a question"; 3. [Astrol.]; 4. [Gram.])
astere n I. star (1. heavenly body; 2. starshaped figure, etc.); II. [Bot.] aster
astere n I. star (1. heavenly body; 2. starshaped figure, etc.); II. aster (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Cellular Biol.])
Qual es tu ascendente?
ascendente n 1. ancestor; 2. ascendant, ascendancy
ascendente n 1. ancestor; 2. ascendant, ascendancy; 3. [Astrol.] ascendant
Debile audibilitate:
audibitate n audibility
audibilitate n audibility
verifica con attention:
auditor n auditor, hearer, listener
auditor¹ n ---
auditor² n auditor ( = a person qualified to audit accounts)
audir v to hear ( = to perceive by the ear)
Hence: audientia; audibile-audibilitate, inaudibile; audition; auditive; auditor; auditori; auditorio; inaudite; audito; audita; audiometro etc.
audir v ---
Hence: .................auditor¹; ..........
Beethoven jocava al bagatellas?
-bagatella n bagatelle, trifle
bagatella n 1. bagatelle, trifle; 2. bagatelle (1. [Mus.] a short, light piece; 2. [Games, French Hist.])
equilibrar le plattos:
balancia n balance (1. pair of scales; 2. equilibrium; 3. [Com.]);
balancia n ---
Balancia [Astron.] Libra, Balance
le reguardo de medusa...
balena n ---balena n 1. whale; 2. whalebone, baleen
- Balena [Astron.] Cetus, the Whale
Stabilisate, le nave seque su cammino illuminate:
ballast n ballast; also: [R.R.]
ballast n ballast (1. [Naut., Aeronaut.; R.R.]; 2. [Elec.] "a device for maintaining the current in a circuit")
Do you wanna, anna?
banana n banana
banana n banana (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Slang] penis)
Le banda del aristocrates:
banda² n band (1. narrow strip of material; 2. bandage)
banda² n I. band (1. narrow strip of material; 2. bandage); II. [Her.] bend: III. [Billiards] cushion
banda indentate [Her.] bend indented
banda large [Technol.] broadband
Attention al barbero!
barbero n barber
barbero n 1. barber; 2. [Meteorol.] Barber
Un rocca con plure minerales:
- basalto n [Mineral.] basalt
basalto n [Petrography] basalt
Le bassino del baby:
bassino n basin (1. wide, shallow bowl; 2. dock; 3. “river basin”)
bassino n I. basin (1. wide, shallow bowl; 2. dock; 3. “river basin”); II. [Anat.] pelvic girdle
beta² n beta (= second letter of the Greek alphabet);
beta² n 1. beta (= the second letter of the Greek alphabet); 2. [Astron.] Beta, beta (as in "alpha and beta Gemini");
Un altere brecha in le muro:
- brecha (-sh-) n [Mil.] breach;
brecha (-sh-) n 1. [Mil.] breach; 2. [Geol.] breccia
Le actiones del bursa:
bursa n 1. purse ("change purse"); 2. scholarship, burse; 3. stock market, stock exchange;
bursa n I. (1. purse ("change purse"); 2. scholarship, burse; 3. stock
market, stock exchange); II. burse [Liturgy] "case for the corporal";
III. bursa [Anat.] a pouch, sac, or vesicle; special: a sac containing
synovia; also: [Zool.] any saclike cavity or structure;
...bursa anserin [Anat.] anserine bursa
Non calca le parolas, per favor!
calco n tracing, traced design
calco n 1. tracing, traced design; 2. [Ling.] calque
Un caldierata ebulliente:
caldiera n kettle boiler, etc.;
caldiera n 1. kettle, boiler, etc.; 2. [Geol.] caldera
Le Sancte 'Gralice':
calice (cá-) n 1. chalice (= cup, goblet; also: calix); also: [Eccl.]; 2. [Bot.] cup, calyx
calice (cá-) n 1. chalice (= cup, goblet; also: calix); also: [Eccl.];
2. [Bot.] cup, calyx; 3. [Anat.] calyx, calix (as in "renal calices")
capillos e cappellos:
capillo n hair ( = a single hair of the human head);capillos hair ( = a person’s hair);
sin capillos bareheaded;
capillo n ---
sin capillos baldheaded;
in capillos bareheaded;
(sin capillos = calve
in capillos = sin cappello ...)
Allerta, capitano!
capitano n [Army, Navy] captain
capitano n captain (1. [Army, Navy, Aviation]; 2. [Sports])
Con capite:
capitate adj [Bot.] capitate
capitate adj [Bot.; Anat.] capitate
- osso capitate [Anat.] capitate (bone)
Mitter champignons in un cappello:
- cappello n hat
cappello n 1. hat; 2. [Bot.] cap, pileus
captar v to inveigle, beguile
captar v 1. to
inveigle, beguile; 2. as in "to collect underground water"; 3. [Teleph.,
Radio, etc.] to intercept, receive (a message, signal, etc.)
captation n (act of) inveigling
captation n 1. (act of) inveigling; 2. as in "underground (well) water
captation (system)"; 3. [Teleph., Radio, etc.] as in "receiving a coded
message," "tap a telephone wire to get information," etc.
Nove capitulos pro ancian definitiones:
capitulo n chapter (1. “chapter of a book”; 2. “ecclesiastical chapter”)debe haber un nove entrata (e dunque le lemma previe debe ser alterate a 'capitulo¹'):
Hence: capitular¹; capitular² &; recapitular &
capitulo² n capitulum (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Entom.] "the end of an insect's
3. [Anat.] "a little head, or a small eminence on a bone"; specif.: "capitulum of the humerus")
Hence: capitular²
3. [Anat.] "a little head, or a small eminence on a bone"; specif.: "capitulum of the humerus")
Hence: capitular²
e concomitantemente le adjectivo:
capitular² adj capitular 1. (= pertaining to an ecclesiastical chapter); 2. [Biol.; Entom.] ( = of or relating to a capitulum)
Hence: ... capitulo¹ &; capitulo² &; ...
e anque in le 'hence series' del lemma 'capite (cá-)':
Hence: ... capitulo¹ &; capitulo² &; ...
Mitter champignons in un cappello:
- cappello n hat
cappello n 1. hat; 2. [Bot.] cap, pileus
Le fructo del stellas de biliardo:
carambola n 1. [Billiards] carom ball; 2. [Billiards] carom, cannon
carambola n I. [Billiards] 1. carom ball; 2. carom, cannon; II [Bot.] carambola, star fruit
Un color saporose:
caramello n caramel (1. burnt sugar; 2. caramel candy)
caramello n caramel (1. burnt sugar; 2. caramel candy; 3. the color "caramel (brown)")
Le nave de canopo sulca le mar incognite:
carina n keel (of a ship)
carina n 1. [Naut.] keel (of a ship); 2. [Biol.] carina
- Carina [Astron.] Carina
- carina tracheal [Anat.] carina of trachea
Qual palatio occupa le rege?
(Ben que le 'ied' ha nulle entrata con le le parola 'casa', illo totevia appare in le 'grammatica' con le signification del anglese 'house'. un entrata plausibile poterea esser:
casa n 1. house; 2. [Games] check ( = small square); also: as in "triangles (points) of backgammon"
- a casa de at the home of
-chaco (sh-) n [Chess] check;
chaco (sh-) n [Chess] check; also: "(small) square"
le rango del cavallero:
cavallero n I. cavalier (1. gallant; 2. [Hist.]; 3. [Fortif.]); II. knight; III. horseman; also: cavalryman;
cavallero n I. cavalier (1. gallant; 2. [Hist.]; 3. [Fortif.]); II.
knight; specif.: [Card Games] cavalier; III. horseman; also: cavalryman;
- Cellulas cancerose e technologia:
cellula n [Biol.] cell
cellula n 1. [Biol.] cell; 2. as in "party cell, terrorist cell, etc."
cellula photoelectric [Technol.] photocell
Le nove 'cenobitas':
ceno·bio n cenoby
ceno·bio n coenobium (1. [Eccl.] cenoby; 2. [Biol.] "colony of unicellular organisms")
Non poner al indice:
cephalic n cephalic
cephalic adj cephalic (= relative or pertaining to the head)
- indice cephalic [Anthropometry] cephalic, cranial index
- vena cephalic [Anat.] cephalic vein
Le messe cresce:
- Ceres (cé-) I. pr [Rom. Relig.] Ceres
Ceres (cé-) npr Ceres (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Le bestia sin numero:
Christo npr ChristHence: christian-christianismo, christianitate, antichristian, judeochristian etc.; christiano; Antichristo-antichristian
Hence: ....antichristian¹, .... Antichristo-antichristian²
Le colosso de Roma: Hence: ....antichristian¹, .... Antichristo-antichristian²
Colosseo (-éo) npr Colosseum, Coliseum
Colosseo (-éo) npr Colosseum, Coliseum
colosseo large building or stadium for sports events, entertainments, etc.
Haber sur le puncta del lingua:
-cerebral adj cerebral
cerebral adj cerebral; specif.: [Phonet.] cacuminal, retroflex
Columbas e falcones 🕊️
columba n pigeon; also: dove
columba n 1. pigeon; also: dove; 2. "a gentle, innocent person"
- Columba [Astron.] Columba, Dove-
Le columbario de Columbina:
columbario n [Rom. Antiq.] columbarium
columbario n columbarium ([Rom. Antiq.]; also: "a place or structure
with niches for storage of cinerary urns holding cremated remains")
Sin regula:
- Compasso [Astron.] Circinus
Sin regula:
compasso n compass (1. pair of compasses; 2. [Naut.])compasso n ---
- Compasso [Astron.] Circinus
complexion n 1. constitution (= physical make-up of a person); 2. disposition (= temperament)ha un altere disposition:
complexion n 1. constitution (= physical make-up of a person); 2. disposition (= temperament); 3. [Rhet.] a rhetorical device
Sin jugo:
conjugation n [Gram.] conjugation
conjugation n conjugation (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Zool.] temporary fusion of
two organisms with an exchange of nuclear material; also: [Bot.] the
fusion of a male and female gamete as a form of sexual reproduction)
Consolar con solar musica:
consola n console (1. support in the form of a wall bracket; 2. console table)
consola n console (1. support in the form of a wall bracket; 2. console
table; 3. [Mus.]; 4. [Elec. Engin.] a unit on which the controls of an
electronic system are mounted; special: "control unit of a computer";
also: games console)
Novelle constructiones:
- construction n construction (1. act of constructing; 2. thing constructed)
construction n construction (1. act of constructing; 2. thing
constructed; 3. [Gram.] as in "sentence construction," "dative,
locative, etc., construction")
Consulta tu datos:
consultar v to consult (1. to confer; 2. to ask advice of)
consultar v to consult (1. to confer, confabulate; 2. to ask advice of;
3. as in "to consult a dictionary, map, database, etc.")
Quanto costa?
costa n 1. [Anat.] rib; 2. slope (of hill); 3. coast, seashore
costa n 1. [Anat.] rib; also: [Bot.] "middle rib of a leaf"; 2. slope (of hill); 3. coast, seashore
- costas false [Anat.] false ribs
crasis (crá-) n [Gram.] crasis
crasis (crá-) n crasis (1. [Gram.]; 2. [Med. Hist.] the balance of humours in a person's body; also: constitution, temperament)
crasis sanguinee [Physiol.] blood crasis
Le serpente musicante:
crotalo (cró-) n [Zool.] Crotalus; also: rattlesnake
crotalo (cró-) n 1. [Zool.] Crotalus; also: rattlesnake; 2. [Gr. Antiq.] crotal, crotalum
crotalos [Mus.] crotales
Isto es crucial:
crucial adj crucial (= having the form of a cross)es date solmente le senso archaic del adjectivo, le qual debe ser actualisate con su valor semantic actual (e international):
crucial adj crucial (1. cross-shaped; 2. decisive; critical)
Sin cuneage:
cuneo n 1. wedge (= wedge-shaped object or tool); 2. (stamping) die
cuneo n I. wedge (= wedge-shaped object or tool); 2. (stamping) die;
II. cuneus (1. [Anat.; Entom.]; 2. [Anc. Arch.]); III. [Mil.] as in
"wedge-shaped formation"
Labor cyclopic

cyclope n Cyclops (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Zool.])Hence: cyclopic
cyclope n I. Cyclops (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Zool.]; II. [Med.] cyclops, cyclocephalus)
Hence: cyclopia-cyclopic
> cyclopia n [Pathol.] cyclopia
cyclopic adj Cyclopean
cyclopic adj 1. Cyclopean; 2. [Med.] as in "cyclopic eye, fetus, monster, etc."
Le versatilitate del regina:
dama n 1. lady; 2. [Checkers] king;
dama n 1. lady; 2. [Chess, Cards] queen; 3. [Checkers] king;
- promover un pedon a dama [Chess] to queen
Le ethica de(l) dar:
dativo n dative
dativo n dative
- dativo ethic [Gram.] ethical dative-
Le blason del delphino:
'Biomineral':delphino n 1. dolphin (= Delphinus delphis); 2. [Fr. Hist.] dauphin
delphino n 1. dolphin (= Delphinus delphis); also: [Her.]; 2. [Fr. Hist.] dauphin
- Delphino [Astron.] Delphinus
dendrite n [Mineral.] dendriteillo non ha in consideration su senso international usate in le scientias biologic, e debera/potera ser redigite con alco como:
dendrite n dendrite (1. [Mineral.]; 2. [Biol.])
que diabolo!
- le inimico the Devil
Le insectos del templo:
Sin offensa, ma io esseva obligate...
Orante sin odor:
(per sequer le logica de 'disnaturante adj/n denaturant')
Le rhetorica del jure:
disposition testamentari [Law] testamentary disposition
que diabolo!
inimico (-íco) n enemy
inimico (-íco) n ---
- le inimico the Devil
Le insectos del templo:
di·ptere adj 1. [Arch.] dipteral; 2. [Entom.] dipterousHence: dipteros
di·ptere adj ---
Hence: diptero
- dipteros [Entom.] Diptera
- Hence: diptero
diptero (díp-) n 1. [Arch.] dipteros; 2. [Entom.] one of the Diptera
- dipteros [Entom.] Diptera
Sin offensa, ma io esseva obligate...
disobligante v disobliging
disobligante a disobliging
disobligar v to disoblige (= to offend)
disobligar v to disoblige (1. to release from obligation; 2. to offend)
Orante sin odor:
(per sequer le logica de 'disnaturante adj/n denaturant')
disodorante adj deodorant
disodorante adj/n deodorant
Determinante o non ecce le question:
-determinante n [Math.] determinant
determinante n 1. [Math.] determinant; 2. [Gram.] determiner
Le rhetorica del jure:
disposition n I. disposition (1. arrangement; 2. disposal; 3. as in "a natural disposition for music"); II. state or frame of mind; also: inclination, mood, etc.
disposition n I. disposition (1. arrangement; specif. [Rhet.]; 2.
disposal; 3. as in "a natural disposition for music"); II. state or
frame of mind; also: inclination, mood, etc.
disposition testamentari [Law] testamentary disposition
Le systole arrivara plus tarde:
diastole n [Physiol.] diastole
diastole n diastole (1. [Physiol.]; 2. [Pros., Poet.])
-Anno del dracon:
dracon¹ n 1. dragon (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Zool.] lizard of the genus Draco; 3. [Bot.])dracon¹ n ---
Dracon [Astron.] Draco, Dragon
Sin sparnio de parolas:
economia (-ía) n economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift);
economia (-ía) n I. economy (1. management of the expenditures of a
social group; 2. careful management, thrift); II. economics, economic
science, political economy
economista n economist (= student of political economy)
economista n economist (= student of political economy; specialist in economics)
Ancora un plasma:
ecto·plasma n [Spiritualism] ectoplasm
ecto·plasma n ectoplasm 1. ([Spiritualism]; 2. [Biol.] the external layer of cytoplasm in a cell)
Le fertilitate de Flora:
efflorescentia n [Chem.; Pathol.] efflorescence
efflorescentia n efflorescence (1. [Chem.; Geol.]; 2. [Pathol.]; 3.
[Bot.] flowering, blossom; also: bloom ("the bloom on fruit")
Ejectiones e dejectiones:
ejection n [Physiol.] dejection (= discharge of excrement)
ejection n I. [Physiol.] dejection (= discharge of excrement); also;
ejection, as in ("ventricular ejection," "milk ejection," etc.); II.
ejection (1. [Geol.] as in "high‐velocity ejection phase"; 2. as in
("ejection seat"))
Qui elige le electos?
electorato n I. electorate (1. rank of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire; 2. territory under the rule of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire); II. franchise (= right to vote)
electorato n I.
electorate (1. rank of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire; 2. territory
under the rule of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire); II. (1.
franchise (= right to vote); 2. the body of enfranchised citizens)
'Embolia' non significa 'embolismo':
embolia (-ía) n [Pathol.] embolism
embolia (-ía) n 1. [Pathol.] embolism; 2. [Embryol.] emboly
Un caso urgente:
emergentia n emergencecuje completion es un poco plus complexe:
cardinal² n cardinal (1. [Eccl.]; 2. cardinal bird)
cardinal² n cardinal (1. [Eccl.]; 2. cardinal bird; 3. [Math.] cardinal number; also: [Gram.] cardinal numeral)
diversion n diversion (1. entertainment, pastime; 2. [Mil.])
diversion n diversion (1. entertainment, pastime; 2. [Mil.]; 3. [Med.] as in "diversion of humors")
-Le bussola perdite:
compasso n compass (1. pair of compasses; 2. [Naut.])
compasso n compass (1. pair of compasses; 2. [Naut.])
- Compasso [Astron.] Circinus
Un emphase semitic:
emphatic adj 1. emphatic; 2. bombastic
emphatic adj 1. emphatic; specif.: [Phonet.]; 2. bombastic
- consonante emphatic [Phonet.] emphatic consonant
Le migration de Europa:
Europa npr 1. [Mythol.] Europa; 2. Europe
Europa npr I. Europa (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.]); II. Europe
Dorsos, arcos e voltas:
extradorso n [Arch.] extrados
intradorso n [Arch.] intradose alas 'celeste':
extradorso n 1. [Arch.] extrados; 2. [Aeronaut.] "upper side of a wing"
intradorso n 1. [Arch.] intrados; 2. [Aeronaut.] "lower side of a wing"
Un parve falta:
Un parve falta:
falta n fault (1. flaw, imperfection; 2. mistake, error; 3. moral transgression);
falta n I. fault (1. flaw, imperfection; 2. mistake, error; 3. moral transgression); II. [Sports, Games] foul;
commiter un falta [Sports, Games] to commit a foul
Non figura hic le connotation musical:
figuration n figuration (= representation in figures and shapes)
figuration n figuration (1. representation in figures and shapes; 2. [Mus.])
Le entrata 'minimalista':
final² n [Mus.] finale;non es securmente de accordo con le extension (actual) de sensos international de su lemma:
final² n 1. [Sports, Games] final; 2. [Mus., Theat., etc.] finale
Non te affolla!
folle² adj mad (= mentally deranged)
folle² adj 1. [Pathol.] mad (= mentally deranged); 2. crazy, as in "a crazy idea, scheme, etc.," "the crowd went crazy"
Pro render le entrata 'fortissime':
on debe adder le substantivo mancante:fortissimo adj/adv [Mus.] fortissimo
fortissimo adj/adv/n [Mus.] fortissimo
(Concomitantemente le 'hence series' de 'foder': ...; fossa¹-fossetta; ...)
Horologio [Astron.] Horologium
hymeneo (1. [Poet.] marriage, wedding; 2. [Gr. and Rom. Antiq.])
A cata uno su acido:
- acido gallic [Chem.] gallic acid
girafa (jiráfa) n ---
Girafa [Astron.] Camelopardalis, the Giraffe
Solver le problema:
+ gordian adj Gordian
secar le nodo gordian to cut the Gordian knot
(nodo n ........
nodo gordian Gordian knot)
Le furno del dea:
fornace furnace
A cata uno su acido:
gallic adj Gallic (1. Gaulish; 2. French)gallic adj ---
- acido gallic [Chem.] gallic acid
girafa (jiráfa) n giraffe
girafa (jiráfa) n ---
Girafa [Astron.] Camelopardalis, the Giraffe
glande n acorn
glande n 1. [Bot.] acorn; 2. [Anat.] glans (penis, clitoridis)
- Solver le problema:
+ gordian adj Gordian
secar le nodo gordian to cut the Gordian knot
(nodo n ........
nodo gordian Gordian knot)
grypho n 1. [Gr. Mythol.] griffin; 2. griffon vulture
grypho n 1. [Gr. Mythol.] griffin; also: [Her.] as in "a gryphon segreant sable"; 2. griffon vulture
Le furno del dea:
fornace n furnace
Fornace npr Fornax (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
fornace furnace
Le 'Cryptopracta ferox' non cadeva in le fossa:
fossa n 1. pit, cavity, grave, etc.; 2. [Anat.] fossa
fossa¹ n 1. pit, cavity, grave, etc.; 2. [Anat.] fossa
fossa² n [Zool.] fossa (cat)
autograffo e autographos:
Super le grue:
Grue [Astron.] Grus
frontal adj frontal;
frontal¹ adj frontal;
frontal² n I. frontal (1. [Eccl.]; 2. [Archit.] façade); II. [Armory] brow reinforce; also: [Harness] browband
Belle promissas pro grande futuros:
futuro n future (1. time to come; 2. [Gram.])
futuro n I. future (1. time to come; 2. [Gram.]); II. intended (husband)
Le genetica del linguas:
- geno·typo (-ó-) n genotype
geno·typo (-ó-) n genotype (1. [Biol.]; 2. [Philol.] "the abstract level of a language model")
Glossario entomologic:
glossa n gloss (= explanation, rendering, etc.);
glossa n 1. gloss (= explanation, rendering, etc.); 2. glossa (1.
[special: Anat.] tongue; 2. [Entom.] a tonguelike structure in the
labium of an insect)
Le grenadier qui amava granateros:
~granatero n [Mil.] grenadier
granatero n grenadier (1. [Mil.]; 2. [Ichthyol.] rat-tail)
autograffo e autographos:
graffo n [Hort.] graft ( = shoot used in grafting)
graffo n 1. [Hort.] graft ( = shoot used in grafting); 2. [Surg.] graft, transplant
graffar v [Hort.] to graft
graffar v to graft (1. [Hort.]; 2. [Surg.])
Super le grue:
grue n crane (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Mech.])
grue n ---
Grue [Astron.] Grus
Le hereditate del feminas grec:
gyneceo (-éo) n [Gr. and Rom. Antiq.] gynaeceumin un belle rosa:
gyneceo (-éo) n 1. [Gr. and Rom. Antiq.] gynaeceum; 2. [Bot.] gynoecium
hamate adj hooked, hamate
- osso hamate [Anat.] hamate (bone)
hamate adj hooked, hamate
- osso hamate [Anat.] hamate (bone)
Le 'pata' del 'megera':
harpyia (-íya) n [Mythol.] Harpydeveniva un ave rapace:
harpyia (-íya) n [Mythol.] Harpy; also: [Ornith.] harpy (eagle)
Spirales e volutas:
- helice (hé-) n I. helix (1. spiral line; 2. [Geom.]; 3. [Anat.] rim of the ear); II. [Zool.] Helix ( = genus including snails); III. propeller (of ship, airplane etc.)
helice (hé-) n I. helix (1. spiral line;
2. [Geom.]; 3. [Anat.] rim of the ear); 4. [Anc. Arch.] a volute on a
Corinthian capital; II. [Zool.] Helix (= genus including snails); III.
propeller (of ship, airplane etc.)
"Un viage de retorno":
heliotropio n [Bot.] heliotropeab le description de Plinio e del phantastic guttas de sanguine al tornasol:
heliotropio n heliotrope (1. [Mineral.] bloodstone; 2. [Bot.])
le labores herculee del juvene alcide:
le dece-duo labores de Hercules [Mythol.] the twelve labors of Hercules
- hercules "a man of outstanding strength or size"
le horologiero celeste:
le labores herculee del juvene alcide:
Hercules (hér-) npr [Mythol.] Hercules;
Hercules (hér-) npr Hercules (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
le dece-duo labores de Hercules [Mythol.] the twelve labors of Hercules
- hercules "a man of outstanding strength or size"
Le droga del heroina:
heroina (-ína) n heroine
heroina (-ína) n 1. heroine; 2. [Pharm.] heroin
Le parve monstro que existe in nostre capites:
hippo·campo n hippocampus, sea horse (1. Mythol.; 2. [Zool.])
hippo·campo n I. hippocampus, sea horse (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Ichthyol.]); II. [Anat., Zool.] hippocampus
le horologiero celeste:
horologio n timepiece (1. clock; 2. watch);
horologio n ---
Horologio [Astron.] Horologium
(velo) humeral [Eccl.] humeral veil
humeral adj humeral; [Eccl.](velo) humeral humeral veil
humeral adj humeral;
(velo) humeral [Eccl.] humeral veil
E non oblida de exclamar:
hurrah [A] n hurrah
hurrah [A] n/interj hurrah
le futura attende
serenmente le die final;
festa, vino e gente,
e securmente
ante le rito matrimonial,
pro le promissa,
un belle canto nuptial
serenmente le die final;
festa, vino e gente,
e securmente
ante le rito matrimonial,
pro le promissa,
un belle canto nuptial
Hymeneo (-éo) npr [Mythol.] Hymen;
hymeneo marriage, wedding
hymeneo (1. [Poet.] marriage, wedding; 2. [Gr. and Rom. Antiq.])
Reunion hypostatic':
Le parola(s) del alchimistas e le alchimia del parolas:
labio leporin [Pathol.] cleft lip, harelip (labium leporinum)
Reunion hypostatic':
hypostase (-pó-) n [Theol.; Med.] hypostasis
hypostase (-pó-) n I. hypostasis (1. [Philos., Metaph.]; 2. [Theol.];
3. [Med.]; 4. [Biol.]; II. [Gram.] recategorization, "cross-category
word exchanges")
hypostatic adj [Theol.; Med.] hypostatic
hypostatic adj [Philos; Theol.; Med., etc.] hypostatic
union hypostatic [Theol.] hypostatic union
union hypostatic [Theol.] hypostatic union
Le volo de icaro usque al celo:
Icaro (í-) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Icarus
Icaro (í-) npr [Gr. Mythol.; Astron.] Icarus
Que es vostre inclination?
fila indie:
Indiano [Astron.] Indus, Indian
inclination n inclination (1. act of bowing or bending; 2. incline, slope; 3. propensity, liking; 4. [Gram., Astron.])
inclination n inclination (1. act of bowing or bending; 2. incline, slope; 3. propensity, liking; 4. [Geom., Astron.])
fila indie:
indiano n 1. Indian, Hindu; 2. (American) Indian
indiano n ---
Indiano [Astron.] Indus, Indian
Susception interior? de qual ordine?
intus·susception n [Physiol.] intussusception
intus·susception n intussusception (1. [Physiol.]; 2. [Med., Pathol.] invagination)
jada n jade (= the stone "jade")
jada n jade (= the stone "jade"; also: the color "jade (green)")
Le parola(s) del alchimistas e le alchimia del parolas:
Jupiter (jú-) npr Jupiter (1. [Rom. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
Jupiter (jú-) npr Jupiter (1. [Rom. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Alchem.] tin)
labio n [Anat.] lip;
labio n 1. [Anat.]
lip; also: labium, as in "folds of the female vulva"; 2. labium (1.
[Zool.] the inner margin of mouth of gastropod shell; also: [Entom.]
"the fused 2nd maxillae"; 2. [Bot.] "liplike division of a bilabiate
labio leporin [Pathol.] cleft lip, harelip (labium leporinum)
Yes, man!
lacai (-ái) n lackey, footman, valet
lacai (-ái) n lackey, footman, valet; also: servile follower, toady
Habeva le grecos le alphabeto in lor capites?
lambda n lambda 11th letter of the Greek alphabet)
lambda n lambda 1. the 11th letter of the Greek alphabet; 2. [Anthropometry]
Latitude, si, ma intra determinate limites:
latitude n I. breadth, width; II. latitude (1. freedom from narrow restrictions; 2. [Geol.])
latitude n I. breadth, width; II. latitude (1. freedom from narrow restrictions; 2. [Geog.]; also: [Astron.])
Un nove lemma:
orion e su chassa:
Lepore [Astron.] Lepus
Libros e librettos:
Contar le moneta (contante):
- moneta liquide ready cash, ready money
Un nove lemma:
lemma n [Logic, Math.] lemma
lemma¹ n lemma (1. [Logic, Math.]; 2. [Ling., Lit.])
lemma² n [Bot.] lemma, flowering glume
orion e su chassa:
lepore n hare
lepore n ---
Lepore [Astron.] Lepus
Libros e librettos:
libro n 1. [Bot.] liber, bast; 2. book;
libro n 1. [Bot.] liber, bast; 2. book; 3. [Zool.] psalterium, omasum;
le libro (egyptie) del mortos [Bibliog., Paleog.] The (Egyptian) Book of the Dead
libro de horas [Hist.] book of hours
le libro (egyptie) del mortos [Bibliog., Paleog.] The (Egyptian) Book of the Dead
libro de horas [Hist.] book of hours
libretto n [Mus.] libretto
libretto n 1. booklet; 2. [Mus.] libretto
Contar le moneta (contante):
liquide adj liquid (1. fluid; 2. [Phonet.])
liquide adj liquid (1. fluid; 2. [Phonet.]; 3. [Bank.; Fin.])
- moneta liquide ready cash, ready money
Arte e maneo:
Cata uno ha su lunas:
- petra de luna [Mineral.] moonstone
- lunas de Hippocrate (de Chios) [Geom.] lunes of Hippocrates (of Chios)
- pisce luna [Ichthyol.) sunfish (Mola mola)
non cervari:
Lupo [Astron.] Lupus
De racia:
Lyra [Astron.] Lyra, Lyre
machina celestial:
Machina Pneumatic [Astron.] Antlia
Non macular:
Le superacido:
- acido magic [Chem.] magic acid
Le cavallo castanie e le marrones:
Le modestia majestatic:
Un altere semantica:
medias e medios:
longa n [Man.] longe (= long rope used to guide a horse in training)un longe historia:
longa n 1. [Hist., Mus.] longa; 2. [Man.] longe (= long rope used to guide a horse in training)
Mehr Licht:
lumine n light
lumine n 1. light; 2. [Biol.; Anat.] lumen (as in "the lumen of the intestine," "luminal cell membrane")
Cata uno ha su lunas:
luna n 1. [Astron.] moon; 2. caprice, whim;
luna n 1. [Astron.] moon; 2. caprice, whim; 3. [Geom.] lune; 4. [Ichthyol.] sunfish (Mola mola)
Luna Luna (1. [Rom. Mythol.]; 2. [Alchem.] silver)
Luna Luna (1. [Rom. Mythol.]; 2. [Alchem.] silver)
- petra de luna [Mineral.] moonstone
- lunas de Hippocrate (de Chios) [Geom.] lunes of Hippocrates (of Chios)
- pisce luna [Ichthyol.) sunfish (Mola mola)
non cervari:
lupo n wolf;
lupo n ---
Lupo [Astron.] Lupus
De racia:
lusitano n Lusitanian
lusitano n 1. Lusitanian; 2. [Zool.] (Pure Blood) Lusitano
lyra n I. lyre (1. [Mus.]; 2. [Astron.]); II. lyrebird
lyra n lyre (1. [Mus.]; 2. [Ornith.] lyrebird)
Lyra [Astron.] Lyra, Lyre
machina celestial:
machina (má-) n machine; also: engine;
machina (má-) n ---
Machina Pneumatic [Astron.] Antlia
immaculate mente:
macula n stain, spot;
macula n I. stain, spot; II. macula (1. [Astron.] sunspot; 2. [Anat.] yellow spot, macula lutea; 3. [Pathol.] macule)
Non macular:
macular v to stain, spot
macular¹ v to stain, spot
macular² a macular
- region macular [Anat.] macular region
Le superacido:
magic adj magic, magical;magic adj ---
- acido magic [Chem.] magic acid
margine n margin (1. border, edge; 2. “margin of a printed or written page”)al margine:
margine n margin (1. border, edge; 2. “margin of a printed or written page”); 3. [Com., Fin.] as in "gross profit margin")
Le cavallo castanie e le marrones:
marron n chestnut (= edible nut of the sweet chestnut tree)
marron n chestnut 1. the edible nut of the sweet chestnut tree; 2. the color "brown of chestnuts"
cavallo de color marron [Man.] chestnut
cavallo de color marron [Man.] chestnut
Le modestia majestatic:
majestatic adj majestic- plural majestatic [Gram.] plural of majesty
modestia n modesty- plural de modestia [Gram.] plural of modesty
Un elemento martian:
-Marte npr Mars (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Marte npr Mars (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.]; [Alchem.] iron)
Isto non es philosophia, dr. Nietzsche!
- martello n 1. hammer; 2. hammerhead (shark)
martello n 1. hammer; specif.: [Anat.] malleus; 2. hammerhead (shark)
Un altere semantica:
matrice n matrix (1. [Anat.]; 2. [Technol.])
matrice n I. matrix (1. [Anat.; Biol.]; 2. [Technol.]; 3. [Math.]; 4.
[Geol.]); II. origin or development of something, as in "cultural,
historical, etc., matrix"
matrice extracellular [Biol] extracellular matrix
matrice semantic [Ling.] semantic matrix
le matrice del civilisation occidental the matrix of western civilization
matrice extracellular [Biol] extracellular matrix
matrice semantic [Ling.] semantic matrix
le matrice del civilisation occidental the matrix of western civilization
Qual es le maxima?
maxima (máx-) n maxim
maxima (máx-) n 1. maxim; 2. [Hist., Mus.] maxima
Le coco:
medalion n I. medallion (1. large medal; 2. round, flat ornament or portrait); II. locketqui colligeva medaliones:
medalion n I. medallion (1. large medal; 2. round, flat ornament or portrait; 3. [Cookery]); II. locket
medias e medios:
media¹ n average, mean;
media¹ n 1. average, mean; 2. [Anat.] media
Ni median:
Sin restriction mental:
- nervo mental [Anat.] mental nerve
mente n mind (= intellectual powers, mental force)
Hence: mental-mentalitate; demente &; mentecapte etc.
Hence: mental¹-mentalitate; demente &; mentecapte etc.
mento n chin
Hence: mental²
Le parola(s) del alchimistas e le alchimia del parolas:
Un pisce que ha lunas:
sin mustachio:
Musca [Astron.] Musca
Toto in ordine, Eminentia!
- numeros ordinal [Math.] ordinal numbers
Le velo del palatinos:
ossos palatin [Anat.] palate bones
Hence: palatino¹
> palatino¹ n [Anat.] palatine (bone)
Le conflicto palestin (22 o 24 punctos?):
ubi es le paradiso?
Ave del Paradiso [Astron.] Apus
Le velites de parma:
parma [Rom. Hist.] a small round shield
Hence: parmesan-parmesano
Sr. parodi amava le parodias:
Le rampa verso le inspiration:
- pegaso [Her.] as in "pegasus rampant"
'Questi è colui che giacque sopra ’l petto Del nostro pellicano':
Un periodo sin iodo:
acido periodic periodic acid
iodo n iodine
Hence: iodato; iodic; iodose; iodismo; iodar; iodometria etc.; iodoformo etc.
Hence: iodato; iodic-periodic²; iodose; iodismo; iodar; iodometria etc.; iodoformo etc.
Post un longe periodo de recerca
ave rar:
Phenice [Astron.] Phoenix
le cavalletto del artista:
Pictor [Astron.] Pictor
le pisce e le nave hollandese:
pisce volante flying fish;
Pisce Austral [Astron.] Piscis Austrinus
pyramidal adj pyramidal
- osso pyramidal [Anat.] pyramidal (bone)
Osso in forma de piso:
pisi·forme adj pisiform (1. pea-shaped; 2. [Anat., Zool.])
- osso pisiforme [Anat.] pisiform (bone)
Un question pragmatic:
Aves e naves:
- corona rostral (naval) [Rom. Antiq.; Her.; Numis.] the naval or rostral crown
Quante rupias?
Sabina e su raptos:
Le salvation del artista:
Le sanctuario del lexico international:
Extirpar le mal herbas:
ancora un artista que ganiava le celo:
Sculptor [Astron.] Sculptor, Sculptor's Workshop
segmento (corporal de un arthropodo) [Zool.] (body) segment (of an arthropod)
segmento (de mercato) [Econ.] (market) segment
segmento ST (de un electrocardiogramma) [Med.] ST segment (on an electrocardiogram)
segmento (phonologic) [Ling.] (phonological) segment
segmento (logic, physic, de codice, etc.) [Informatics] (logical, physical, code, etc.) segment
Un nota semantic:
Seder al tabula del seder:
- preciose instrumentos:
Sextante [Astron.] Sextans, Sextant
sanguine, sudor e lacrimas:
- le sancte sudario the Turin Shroud
Isto es super le tapis:
tapete rolante [Mach.] conveyor (belt); (luggage) carrousel; also: treadmill
Telescopio de auro:
- Telescopio [Astron.] Telescopium
Un tracto importante:
Sin o con influentia?
traffico de influentia [Law] influence peddling
traffico de ideas traffic in ideas
Un nove version:
translation del reliquias de sancte Vincente [Relig.] translation of the relics of St. Vincent
rotation e translation del terra [Astron.] earth's rotation and translation
Osso e trapezio:
Osso in forma de trapezio:
ménage à trois:
Triangulo [Astron.] Triangulum
Triangulo Austral [Astron.] Triangulum Australe
Le nervo del trigemino:
Nomines e terminos:
nomenclatura trinomie [Biol] trinomial nomenclature
Le omphalo:
Le chassa al unicornes:
Valorisa toto lo que es importante!
valorisar le pace, le amicitate, etc. to valorize peace, friendship, etc.
argo e su velas:
Vela [Astron.] Vela, the Sail
Ni median:
medial adj [Philol.] medialni mesial:
medial adj medial (1. [Philol.]; 2. [Anat.])
Sin restriction mental:
mental adj mental;
mental¹ adj mental (= relating to the mind);
mental² adj mental (= relating to the chin);
- nervo mental [Anat.] mental nerve
mente n mind (= intellectual powers, mental force)
Hence: mental-mentalitate; demente &; mentecapte etc.
Hence: mental¹-mentalitate; demente &; mentecapte etc.
mento n chin
Hence: mental²
Le parola(s) del alchimistas e le alchimia del parolas:
Mercurio¹ npr Mercury (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
Mercurio¹ npr Mercury (1. [Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Alchem.] mercury)
Sin rhetorica (non figura in alcun linguas)
- metastase (-tástase) n [Pathol.] metastasis
metastase (-tástase) n 1. [Pathol.] metastasis; 2. [Phonet.] 'the release (explosion) stage of a phonic articulation'
Schisma metropolitan:
metropolita n [Gr. Church] metropolite
metropolita n metropolite (1. [Gr. Church]; 2. [R.C.Ch.] "archbishop")
que es necesse? un microscopio?
Microscopio [Astron.] Microscopium
que es necesse? un microscopio?
micro·scopio n microscope
micro·scopio n ---
Microscopio [Astron.] Microscopium
Un tocco de Sophia (sin sophismo):
Minerva npr [Rom. Relig.] Minerva
Minerva npr [Rom. Relig.] Minerva
minerva [Med.] Minerva jacket
Hence: .....
minerva [Med.] Minerva jacket
Hence: .....
le homine qui reguarda mira:
Mira [Astron.] Mira, Omicron Ceti
le homine qui reguarda mira:
mira n 1. aim (as in “take aim,” “good aim,” etc.); 2. sight ( = device on a firearm)
mira n ---
Mira [Astron.] Mira, Omicron Ceti
Viste de un altere modo:
-modal adj modal (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Gram.]; 3. [Mus.])
modal adj modal (1. [Philos.]; 2. [Gram.]; 3. [Mus.]; 4. [Math.])
Un nove modello:
modulo n I. mold, mould (1. as in "to cast in a mold"; 2. model); II. [Arch.] module
modulo n I. mold, mould (1. as in "to cast in a mold"; 2. model); II.
module (1. [Arch.]; 2. [Technol.; Aeronaut., etc.] as in "memory
module"; "modular programming", etc.; also: "segment of a spacecraft";
3. "unit of education or instruction"); III. modulus (1. [Math.; Alg.]
absolute value; 2. [Phys.]); IV. [Numis.] diameter of a coin
Un pisce que ha lunas:
mola n 1. millstone; 2. grindstone
mola n 1. millstone; 2. grindstone; 3. [Med.] mole; 4. [Ichthyol.] sunfish (Mola mola)
- mola hydatidee (hydatiforme) [Pathol.] hydatid (hydatiform) mole
Qual mollusco tu prefere?
mollusco n mollusk
mollusco n 1. [Zool.] mollusk; 2. [Med.] molluscum (= swollen protuberance on the skin)
monitor n monitor, admonisher
monitor n monitor (1. admonisher; 2. "a pupil who assists a teacher";
3. [Technol.] video display; television screen, etc.; also: [Med.;
Phys.] as in "area monitor", "Holter monitor"; 4. [Mining] giant ( = a
nozzle for directing a high-pressure jet of water at the material to be
excavated); 5. [Zool.] monitor (lizard)
mula n she-mule
mula n 1. she-mule; 2. [Slang] mule (1. a stubborn person; 2. a person who serves as a courier of illegal drugs)
sin mustachio:
musca n 1. [Entom.] fly; 2. tuft of hair (on lower lip); 3. beauty spot, patch;
musca n ---
Musca [Astron.] Musca
Toto in ordine, Eminentia!
ordinal adj ordinal
ordinal¹ adj ordinal
- numeros ordinal [Math.] ordinal numbers
ordinal² n ordinal (1. [Math.] ordinal number; also: [Gram.] ordinal numeral; 2. [Anglican Ch.])
Osso nasal:
nasal² n nasal (1. nose piece of a helmet; 2. [Phonet.])
nasal² n I. nasal (1. nose piece of a helmet; 2. [Phonet.]); II. [Anat.] nasal bone
nomenclator n nomenclator (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. one concerned with the nomenclature of a subject)
nomenclator n nomenclator (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. one concerned with the
nomenclature of a subject: also: [Bibliog.] "a list or glossary")
Un vento note:
-noto n [Zool.] notum, back; specif.: back of the thorax of an insect
noto n 1. [Zool.] notum, back; specif.: back of the thorax of an insect; 2. [Class. Mythol.] Notus
Le terra nove de novalis:
-noval adj [Agr.] newly broken
noval 1. adj [Agr.] newly broken; 2. n [Agr.] land newly broken
Qui joca oca?
occidente disorientate:
oca n goose- joco del oca [Games] game of the goose, goose game
occidente disorientate:
occidental² n [Interling.] occidental
occidental² n 1. [Interling.] occidental; 2. Occidental
occidentalista n [Interling.] occidentalist
occidentalista n 1. [Interling.] occidentalist; 2. Occidentalist
Isto pote occurrer con altere parolas:
Octante [Astron.] Octans
occurrentia n occurrence (= happening, event)
occurrentia n occurrence (1. happening, event; 2. [Philol.] as in "word occurrence")
tante octos:
octante n octant (1. [Geom.]; 2. instrument for measuring angles)
octante n ---
Octante [Astron.] Octans
octavo n octavo
octavo n octavo; also: eighth (part)
un sphera in orbita:
orbita (ór-) n orbit (1. eye socket; 2. curved course of planet, comet, etc.)
orbita (ór-) n orbit (1. eye socket; 2. curved course of planet, comet, etc.; 3. "sphere of influence")
In orbita:
orbital n orbital (1. [Astron.]; 2. [Anat.])
orbital¹ a orbital (1. [Astron.]; 2. [Anat.])
orbital² n [Atomic Phys.] as in "valence orbital"
orbital² n [Atomic Phys.] as in "valence orbital"
Le velo del palatinos:
palatin¹ adj palatal ( = pertaining to the palate)
palatin¹ adj palatal ( = pertaining to the palate)volta palatin [Anat.] palatine vault
ossos palatin [Anat.] palate bones
Hence: palatino¹
palatin² adj palatine (= of or pertaining to a palace);
conte palatin count palatine
Hence: palatino-palatinato
palatin² adj palatine (= of or pertaining to a palace);
Hence: palatino²-palatinato
Hence: palatino²-palatinato
> palatino¹ n [Anat.] palatine (bone)
palatino n palatine (1. [Germ. Hist.] count palatine; 2. [Polish Hist.])
palatino² n I. palatine (1. [Germ. Hist.] count palatine; 2. [Polish Hist.]); II. [Hist.] viceroy of Hungary
Palatino [Geog.] 1. hill in Rome, Italy; 2. village in northeastern Illinois
Palatino [Geog.] 1. hill in Rome, Italy; 2. village in northeastern Illinois
Le conflicto palestin (22 o 24 punctos?):
Palestina npr Palestine
Palestina npr Palestinepalestina [Typog.] double (small) pica
Un palo alte:
palo n stake, post
palo n 1. stake, post; 2. [Her.] pale
Foras del cassa:
-Pan·dora n [Gr. Mythol.] Pandora
pandora [Zool.] pandora (= a marine bivalve mollusc)
ubi es le paradiso?
paradiso n paradise;ave del paradiso bird of paradise
paradiso n ---
Ave del Paradiso [Astron.] Apus
Le velites de parma:
Parma npr ParmaHence: parmesan-parmesano
Parma npr Parma
parma [Rom. Hist.] a small round shield
Hence: parmesan-parmesano
Sr. parodi amava le parodias:
parodia (-ía) n parody
parodia¹ (-ía) n parody
parodia² n [Bot.] Parodia
Le paroxysmos del matre:
-paroxysmo n paroxysm;
paroxysmo n paroxysm; specif.: [Geol.] as in "tectonic paroxysm")
Particulas sacrate:
le ambulatura del pavan:
Pavon [Astron.] Pavo
Monte del Pavon [Astron.] Mons Pavonis
particula n particle (1. small portion; also: [Phys.]; 2. [Gram.])
particula n particle (1. small portion; also: [Phys.]; especially:
[Liturgy] "a portion or fragment of the Eucharistic host"; 2. [Gram.])
le ambulatura del pavan:
pavon n peacock
pavon n ---
Pavon [Astron.] Pavo
Monte del Pavon [Astron.] Mons Pavonis
Le ordinario de honorabile Campos:
pecia n piece;
pecia n piece; also specif: [Her.] (honorable) ordinary (as in "horizontal band across the center of the field");
pectoral² n 1. [Eccl.] pectoral; 2. breastplate (for horses)
pectoral² n 1. pectoral (1. [Eccl.]; 2. [Pharm.]); 2. breastplate (for horses)
le pectorales [Anat.] the pectorals, pectoral muscles
le pectorales [Anat.] the pectorals, pectoral muscles
pedicello n [Bot.] pedicel
pedicello n pedicel (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Entom.])
pediculo² n [Bot.] pedicle, pedicel
pediculo² n 1. [Bot.; Zool.] pedicle, pedicel; 2. [Anat.; Pathol.] pedicle
pediculo del arco vertebral [Anat.] pedicle of vertebral arch
pediculo del arco vertebral [Anat.] pedicle of vertebral arch
pedunculo n [Bot.] stalk, stem, peduncle
pedunculo n peduncle (1. [Bot.] stalk, stem; 2. [ Zool.; Pathol.]; 3. [Anat.] (cerebral) peduncle)
peduncular adj [Bot.] peduncular
peduncular adj [Biol.; Med.] peduncular
pedunculate adj [Bot.] pedunculate
pedunculate adj [Biol.; Med.] pedunculate
Le rampa verso le inspiration:
Pegaso (pé-) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Pegasus;
Pegaso (pé-) npr Pegasus (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
- pegaso [Her.] as in "pegasus rampant"
'Questi è colui che giacque sopra ’l petto Del nostro pellicano':
pelicano n pelican
pelicano n pelican (1. [Ornith., Her.]; 2. [Old Chem., Med. Hist.])
Scriber sin pena:
penna n 1. flight feather; 2. quill, shaft; 3. pen (as in “pen and pencil”);
penna n I. (1. flight feather; 2. quill, shaft); II. pen (1. as in “pen
and pencil”; 2. [Zool.] "the chitinous internal shell of a squid")
periodic adj I. periodic (1. of a period or regular revolution; 2. occurring at regular times); II. [Math.] repetend
periodic¹ adj I. periodic (1. of a period or regular revolution; 2. occurring at regular times); II. [Math.] repetend
periodic² adj [Chim.] periodic
acido periodic periodic acid
iodo n iodine
Hence: iodato; iodic; iodose; iodismo; iodar; iodometria etc.; iodoformo etc.
Hence: iodato; iodic-periodic²; iodose; iodismo; iodar; iodometria etc.; iodoformo etc.
periodo (-rí-) n I. period (1. as in “period of adolescence”; “Elizabethan period”; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Rhet.]); II. [Math.] repetend
periodo (-rí-) n I. period (1. [Biol.; Med., etc.] as in “period of adolescence”;
specif.: menstruation; [Hist.] as in “Elizabethan period”; 2. [Astron.;
Phys.]; 3. [Chem.]; 4. [Geol.]; 5. [Mus.]; 6. [Rhet.]); II. [Math.]
Ecce mi preferentias personal (customisation):
- personalisar v to personalize, personify
personalisar v to personalize, personify; also: [Technol.] to customize
petiolo (-tí-) n [Bot.] petiole, leafstalk
petiolo (-tí-) n petiole (1. [Bot.] leafstalk; 2. [Entom.])
ave rar:
phenice n phoenix, phenix
phenice n ---
Phenice [Astron.] Phoenix
Como tractar le physico?
-physico n 1. physique; 2. physicist
physico n 1. physique; 2. physicist; 3. [Med. Hist.] physician, doctor
le cavalletto del artista:
pictor n painter
pictor n ---
Pictor [Astron.] Pictor
Attinger le pinnaculo:
-pinnaculo n [Arch.] pinnacle
pinnaculo n pinnacle (1. [Arch.]; 2. [Physical Geog.] (mountain) peak; 3. as in "the pinnacle of fame")
Parve pinnas:
pinnula n [Surv.] pinnule, sightvane
pinnula n pinnule (1. [Surv.] sightvane; 2. [Bot.] "a secondary branch
of a compound pinnate leaf"; 3. [Zool.] "projection from arms of sea
Explorar altere dominios post le establimento del pioneros:
-pionero n [Mil.] pioneer
pionero n pioneer (1. as in "a pioneer in aviation; of Interlingua, etc."; 2. [Hist.] as in "the American pioneers"; 3. [Mil.])
le pisce e le nave hollandese:
pisce n fish;
pisce n ---
pisce volante flying fish;
Pisce Austral [Astron.] Piscis Austrinus
Pisce Volante [Astron.] Volans, Flying Fish, Piscis Volans
Le pen(n)a de Maat:
Le transmutation psychologic del alchimista: jectar pulvere in le athanor:
- (pulvere de) projection [Alchem.] (powder of) projection
Pyramides e ossos:platto n 1. plate, dish, platter; also: saucer, etc.; ...- platto de balancia (balance) pan
Le transmutation psychologic del alchimista: jectar pulvere in le athanor:
projection n projection (1. act of throwing or casting out; 2. act of jutting out; also: part jutting out; 3. [Geom.; Map Making]; 4. [Photog.; Motion Pictures])
projection n projection (1. act of
throwing or casting out; 2. act of jutting out; also: part jutting out;
3. [Geom.; Map Making]; 4. [Photog.; Motion Pictures]; 5. [Psychol.,
- (pulvere de) projection [Alchem.] (powder of) projection
pyramidal adj pyramidal
- osso pyramidal [Anat.] pyramidal (bone)
Osso in forma de piso:
pisi·forme adj pisiform (1. pea-shaped; 2. [Anat., Zool.])
- osso pisiforme [Anat.] pisiform (bone)
Un question de sanguine:
plachetta n plaquette (= small decorated plaque)
plachetta n 1. plaquette (= small decorated plaque); 2. [Physiol.] (blood) platelet
Ancora un altere plasma:
plasma [-ma/-mat-] n plasm, plasma (1. [Mineral.]; 2. [Physiol.]);
plasma [-ma/-mat-] n plasm, plasma (1. [Mineral.]; 2. [Physiol.]; 3. [Phys.] "the fourth state of matter");
plastron [F] n plastron (1. protection for the breast of a fencer; 2. starched shirt front)
plastron [F] n plastron (1. [Armory] plate armor for the upper front
part of the torso; also: [Fencing] protection for the breast of a
fencer; 2. starched shirt front; 3. [Zool.] the ventral part of the
shell of a turtle)
Le pen(n)a de maat:
platto n 1. plate, dish, platter; also: saucer, etc.; .............- platto de balancia (balance) pan
Olim esseva facite con pomos:
- pomada n pomade
pomada n [Cosmetics] pomade; also: [Pharm.] ointment, salve
Le pomo con corda:
pomo n 1. pome; also: apple; 2. pommel (as in “pommel of a sword”);
pomo n 1. pome; also: apple; 2. pommel (as in “pommel of a sword,” "pommel of a saddle");
Le tres locos del podio:
podio n [Rom. Hist.] podium;
podio n podium (1. a small platform for an orchestra conductor,
speaker, etc.; also: [Sports] as in "the top step of a podium"; 2. [Rom.
Hist.]; 3. [Zool.] foot or foot-like structure, as in "a tube foot of
Que es vostre position?
position n position (= location)
position n I. position (1. location; place; etc.; 2. [Philos.]
proposition, thesis; 3. [Mus.]; 4, [Mil.]; 5. [Sports; Chess]); II.
situation (1. emplacement; 2. post, function, job; 3. as in "social or
financial status"); III. attitude (1. posture, pose; 2. perspective,
view, opinion)
Plus positive:
positivo n [Gram.] positive (degree)
positivo n 1. [Gram.] positive (degree); 2. [Mus.] positive (organ)
Un question pragmatic:
pragmatic adj pragmatic (1. pertaining to practical affairs; 2. relative to philosophical pragmatism);
pragmatic adj pragmatic (1. pertaining to practical affairs; 2. relative to philosophical pragmatism; 3. [Ling.]);
pragmatica n pragmatic sanction, pragmatic
pragmatica n 1. pragmatic sanction, pragmatic; 2. [Ling.] pragmatics
Assi le significato deveni plus pregnante:
pregnante 1. ppr of pregnar; 2. adj pregnant (1. with child or young; 2. filled with meaning, significant)
pregnante 1. ppr of pregnar; 2. adj pregnant (1. with child or young; 2. filled with meaning, significant; specif. [Psychol.] as in "pregnant form")
pregnantia n pregnancy (1. state of being with child or young; 2. state of being filled with meaning)
pregnantia n pregnancy (1. state of being with child or young; 2. state of being filled with meaning; specif. [Psychol.] as in "pregnancy law")
unde irradia le meteoros?
Littera de recommendation:
le valor del regente:
- regentia verbal [Gram.] verbal government
Non registrate:
regula sin norma:
regulas [Physiol.] menstruation
regula de tres [Arith.] rule of three
Regula [Astron.] Norma
Isto non pote remaner con retention:
Esque isto debe ser preservate, o on debe tener pro le nove version?
retenaculo caudal [Anat.] caudal retinaculum
Brillar per su absentia:
prominentia n prominence (= conspicuousness)
prominentia n prominence (1. conspicuousness; 2. [Geog.; Anat.; etc.] salience; protuberance)
Festina lente
propulsion n propulsion (= act of propelling)
propulsion n propulsion (1. act of propelling; 2. [Med.] tendency to fall forward in walking; also: festination)
pylon n [Arch.] pylon
pylon n pylon (1. [Arch.]; 2. [Elec. Engin.] power pylon)
unde irradia le meteoros?
radiante 1. ppr of radiar; 2. adj radiant, brilliant, beaming
radiante¹ 1. ppr of radiar; 2. adj radiant, brilliant, beaming
radiante² n [Astron.] radiant
'In caseo e osso':
- raspator n rasp, scraper, grater
raspator n rasp, scraper, grater; specif.: [Surg.] xyster; raspatory
realisabile adj realizable
realisabile adj realizable; specif.: [Ling.]
*realisar v to realize (1. to make real; 2. to convert into actual money)
realisar v to realize (1. to make real; also: [Ling.] to actualize; 2. to convert into actual money; 3. understand, apprehend)
*realisation n realization (1. act or process of converting something hoped for, aimed at, etc., into reality; 2. act or process of converting property into money)
realisation n realization (1. act or process of converting something hoped for, aimed at, etc., into reality;
2. [Ling.] actualization; 3. act or process of converting property into money)
reducer [-duc-/-duct-] v to reduce (1. to cut down, diminish; 2. [Surg.]; 3. [Chem.] to deoxidize);
reducer [-duc-/-duct-] v to reduce (1. to cut down, diminish; 2. [Surg.]; 3. [Chem.] to deoxidize; 4. [Phonet.]);
*reduction n reduction (1. diminution, cutting down; 2. copy made on a smaller scale; 3. [Surg.]; 4. [Chem.]; 5. [Arith.])
reduction n reduction (1. diminution, cutting down; 2. copy made on a
smaller scale; 3. [Surg.]; 4. [Chem.]; 5. [Arith.]; 6. [Phonet.] "vowel
Littera de recommendation:
referentia n reference (1. as in “reference work”; 2. “letter of reference”)
referentia n reference (1. as in “reference work”; 2. “letter of
reference”; 3. [Geom.] as in "reference system"; also: [Surveying]
"point of reference"; 4. [Philos. Ling.] as in "reference and meaning")
con referentia a with, in reference to; in connection with; in relation to-
le valor del regente:
regentia n [Gov.] regency, regentship
regentia n ---
- regentia verbal [Gram.] verbal government
- valentia verbal [Philol.] verbal valence
valentia n 1. valor, bravery; 2. [Chem.] valence
valentia n 1. valor, bravery; 2. [Chem.] valence; 3. [Philol.] valency, valence
- valentia verbal [Philol.] verbal valence
Non registrate:
registrar v to register (= to record in writing)
registrar v to register (1. to record in writing; 2. [Mus.] as in "to change the sound quality from the organ pipes")
*registration n registration (= act of recording in writing)
registration n registration (1. act of recording in writing; 2. [Mus.] "a combination of organ stops")
registro n register (1. record of regular entries; 2. organ stop; 3. “register of a voice, an instrument”; 4. “register of a furnace, etc.”; also: damper; 5. [Print.])
registro n register (1. record of
regular entries; 2. organ stop; 3. “register of a voice, an instrument”;
[specif.: Phonet.] "voice quality"; 4. [Ling.] as in "speaking in an
informal register; writing in a scientific register"; 5. “register of a
furnace, etc.”; also: damper; 6. [Print.])
regula sin norma:
regula (ré-) n I. rule (1. regulation; 2. as in “slide rule”); II. ruler ( = instrument used in drawing straight lines)
regula (ré-) n ---
regulas [Physiol.] menstruation
regula de tres [Arith.] rule of three
Regula [Astron.] Norma
Le parve rege canor del foreste:
-regulo (ré-) n [Chem. & Metal.] regulus
regulo (ré-) n 1. [Chem. & Metal.] regulus; 2. [Ornith.] Regulus
Regulo [Astron.] Regulus
Sin resistentia:
reluctantia n reluctance, unwillingness, resistence
reluctantia n reluctance (1. unwillingness, resistence; 2. specif.: [Phys.])
Isto non pote remaner con retention:
remanentia n (state of) remaining
remanentia n 1. (state of) remaining; 2. remanence ([Phys.] "retentivity")
*retentive adj retentive ( = good at remembering)
retentive adj retentive (1. good at remembering; 2. as in "heat-retentive material")
retentivitate n retentivity
retentivitate n retentivity; specif.: [Phys.] "remanence"
Vamos (re)solver isto:
resolvente² n [Med.] resolvent
resolvente² n resolvent (1. [Med.]; 2. [Alg.] as in "resolvent of a matrix")
Esque isto debe ser preservate, o on debe tener pro le nove version?
retenaculo n [Bot.] retenaculum
retenaculo n [Bot.; Zool., etc.] retenaculum, retinaculum
retenaculo caudal [Anat.] caudal retinaculum
Plus rigorose:
rigor n rigor (1. rigidity, stiffness; 2. strictness, harshness; 3. exactitude, precision (as in "with scientific rigor"); 4. [Med., Physiol.])rigor n rigor (1. rigidity, stiffness; 2. strictness, harshness; 3. [Med., Physiol.])
Aves e naves:
rostral adj 1. pertaining to a beak, bill; 2. rostral, pertaining to a rostrum
rostral adj rostral (1. pertaining to a beak, bill; 2. pertaining to a
rostrum; 3. [Anat.] "front, as opposed to caudal (rear)"
- columna rostral [Rom. Antiq.] a rostral column- corona rostral (naval) [Rom. Antiq.; Her.; Numis.] the naval or rostral crown
Quante rupias?
rupia n rupee
rupia¹ n rupee; also: rupiah
rupia² n [Med.] rupia
Sabina e su raptos:
sabin adj Sabine
sabin 1. adj Sabine; 2. n [Phys.] sabin
- sabina [Bot.] savin(e) (Juniperus sabina)
- Sabina nprf SabinaSabina nprf ---
- sabina [Bot.] savin(e) (Juniperus sabina)
Le osso del sacrificio:
sacro n sacred rite; also: sacrifice
sacro n 1. sacred rite; also: sacrifice; 2. [Anat.] sacrum
Le salvation del artista:
salva n 1. [Mil.] salvo; 2. volley (as in "to fire a volley");
salva n 1. [Mil.] salvo; 2. volley (as in "to fire a volley"); 3. salvo (as in "there was a salvo of approval");
salva de applausos round of applause
salva de applausos round of applause
Le sanctuario del lexico international:
sanctuario n sanctuary (1. sacred space around the altar of a church; 2. place of refuge or protection)
sanctuario n sanctuary (1. [Relig.; Eccl.] a sacred place, such as a
church, temple, or mosque; specif.: sacred space around the altar of a
church; 2. place of refuge or protection)
le sanctuario de Apollon a Pytho [Gr. Relig.] the sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi
un sanctuario de aves, plantas salvage, etc. [Biol.] a bird, wild plant, etc., sanctuary
sanctuario del terrorismo [Journ.] terrorist sanctuary
un sanctuario de aves, plantas salvage, etc. [Biol.] a bird, wild plant, etc., sanctuary
sanctuario del terrorismo [Journ.] terrorist sanctuary
Extirpar le mal herbas:
sarcular v to hoe (= to clear of weeds with a hoe)
Hence: sarcular
> sarculo n [Agr.] hoe
> Hence: sarcular
> Hence: sarcular
sarcular v to hoe (= to clear of weeds with a hoe)
ancora un artista que ganiava le celo:
sculptor n sculptor
sculptor n ---
Sculptor [Astron.] Sculptor, Sculptor's Workshop
secreta n [Eccl.] secret, secreta
secreta n 1. [Liturg.] secret, secreta; 2. [Physiol.] secreta
segmento n [Geom.] segment
segmento n segment
segmento (intestinal, aortic, etc.) [Anat.] (intestinal, aortic, etc.) segmentsegmento (corporal de un arthropodo) [Zool.] (body) segment (of an arthropod)
segmento (de mercato) [Econ.] (market) segment
segmento ST (de un electrocardiogramma) [Med.] ST segment (on an electrocardiogram)
segmento (phonologic) [Ling.] (phonological) segment
segmento (logic, physic, de codice, etc.) [Informatics] (logical, physical, code, etc.) segment
Un nota semantic:
semeio·logia (-ía) n [Med.] semeiology
semeio·logia (-ía) n semeiology (1. [Med.] symptomatology; 2. [Ling.])
- semeiologia medic(al) medical semeiology
semeiotica cultural cultural semeiotics
semeiotica n [Med.] semeiotics, semeiologic
semeiotica n semeiotics (1. [Med.] symptomatology; 2. [Ling.])
semeiotica cultural cultural semeiotics
Un servicio pro Nadal:
servicio n service (1. duties done or required; 2. helpful act or acts; 3. set of dishes, etc.);
servicio n service (1. duties done or required; 2. helpful act or acts; 3. set of dishes, etc.; 4. [Sports]);
Seder al tabula del seder:
seder ... v ...
seder¹ ... v ...
seder² [Heb.] n Seder
- preciose instrumentos:
sextante n sextant
sextante n 1. sextant; 2. [Numis.] sextans
Sextante [Astron.] Sextans, Sextant
sinusoidal adj [Math.] sinusoidal
sinusoidal adj sinusoidal (1. [Math.]; 2. [Anat.])
Nihil novi sub sole:
Le sophismos del mundo moderne:
'Strativarius':sinusoide n [Math.] sinusoid
sinusoide n sinusoid (1. [Math.] ; 2. [Anat.] "irregular terminal blood vessels")
Remarca: secundo Skinner in The origin of medical terms (p. 374),
'sinusoid' non es un bon termino, nam (1) illo es hybrida, e (2) es
anque usate incorrectemente con le senso de 'canal'... totevia, illo ha
curso international...-
Le canto del sirenas:
sirena n siren (1. [Mythol.]; 2. as in "the ship's siren")
sirena n siren (1. [Mythol.; Her.]; 2. [Zool.]; 3. as in "the ship's siren")
Nihil novi sub sole:
sol² n sun (1. the heavenly body “sun”; 2. sunlight, sunshine);
sol² n sun (1. the heavenly body “sun”; 2. sunlight, sunshine; 3. [Her.] as in "a sun radiant")
Sol Sol (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Alchem.] gold)
Sol Sol (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Alchem.] gold)
sol³ n [Phys., Chem.] colloidal solution, colloidal suspension
sol4 n [Fin., Numis.] monetary unit
Sin 'spiculation':
spicula n [Bot.] spikelet, spicule
spicula n 1. [Bot.] spikelet; spicule; 2. [Zool.; Astron.] spicule
Le sophismos del mundo moderne:
sophisticar v to sophisticate ( = to falsify, pervert, adulterate etc.)sophisticar v to sophisticate (1. to falsify, pervert, adulterate etc.; 2. make more complex or refined)
sophistication n sophistication (= falsifying, falsification, adulteration)
sophistication n sophistication (1. falsifying, falsification, adulteration; 2. complexity, as in design or organization)
sophistication del vita moderne sophistication of modern life
sophistication del vita moderne sophistication of modern life
Le stimulos de un insecto:
- sporon n spur (1. “rider’s spur”; 2. stimulus; 3. spine on a cock’s leg; 4. [Bot.])
sporon n spur (1. “rider’s spur”; 2. stimulus; 3. spine on a cock’s leg; also: [Entom.]; 4. [Bot.])
stratificar v stratify (1. to form or place in strata or layers; specif.: [Geol.] "to deposit in strata"; 2. [Sociol. ] to arrange in a hierarchical order; 3. [Stat.] as in "stratified random sample")
stratification n stratification (1. the act of
stratifying; 2. [Geol.]; deposition of sedimentary material; 3.
[Sociol.] social stratification; 4. [Stat.] division of the population
into subsets ('strata'))
stratification lexical [Ling.] lexical stratification
stratification del emotiones [Sociol., Psychol.] stratification of emotions
stratification del emotiones [Sociol., Psychol.] stratification of emotions
sanguine, sudor e lacrimas:
sudario n sudary, sudarium
sudario n sudary, sudarium; specif.: shroud, winding sheet
- le sancte sudario the Turin Shroud
Le suite del bella dormiente:
suite [F] n suite (1. following, retinue; 2. [Mus.])
suite [F] n suite (1. following, retinue; 2. [Mus.]; 3. as in "a hotel suite")
Isto es super le tapis:
tapete n rug, carpet, tapestry, etc.;
tapete n I. rug, carpet, tapestry, etc.; II. tapetum (1. [Zool.] any of
certain membranous layers or layered coverings, as in the choroid coat
in certain animals; specif.: [Anat.] "fibers of the corpus callosum"; 2.
[Bot.] a nutritive layer of cells in a sporangium or anther);
tapete rolante [Mach.] conveyor (belt); (luggage) carrousel; also: treadmill
tegula (té-) n tile
tegula (té-) n 1. tile; 2. [Entom.] tegula
- Telescopio de auro:
telescopio n telescope
telescopio n 1. [Opt.] telescope: 2. [Ichthyol.] goldfish (Carassius auratus)
- Telescopio [Astron.] Telescopium
Non te espaventa!
- terrific adj terrific
terrific adj terrific (= causing terror; terrifying)
textura n texture (1. "texture of a woven fabric"; 2. structure)
textura n texture (1. "texture of a woven fabric"; 2. [Geol.; Ecol., etc.]; 3. [Lit.; Ling.; Mus., etc.]; 4. structure)
textura de un poema [Lit.] texture of a poem
textura de un texto [Ling.] texture (identifying textuality) of a text
textura clastic, gabbroic, del solo, etc. [Geol., MIn.] clastic, gabbroic, soil, etc., texture
textura de un texto [Ling.] texture (identifying textuality) of a text
textura clastic, gabbroic, del solo, etc. [Geol., MIn.] clastic, gabbroic, soil, etc., texture
Un tracto importante:
tracto n I. (action of) drawing, pulling; II. tract (1. stretch of territory; 2. period of time; 3. [Liturgy]); III. trait (1. lineament of the face, feature; 2. distinctive characteristic); IV. stroke ( = short line drawn with a pen, paintbrush, etc.)
tracto n I. (action of) drawing, pulling; II.
tract (1. stretch of territory; 2. period of time; 3. [Liturgy]); 4.
[Anat.] "structures arranged in series and serving a common function";
"bundle of nerve fibers"; III. trait (1.
lineament of the face, feature; 2. distinctive characteristic); IV.
stroke ( = short line drawn with a pen, paintbrush, etc.)
tracto vocal [Phonet.] vocal tract
- Sin o con influentia?
traffico (trá-) n trade, commerce, traffic
traffico (trá-) n traffic (1. trade, commerce; also: "illegal or
improper commercial activity"; 2. "the vehicles, persons, etc., moving
in an area or over a route"; 3. as in "routers that manage internet
traffico de influentia [Law] influence peddling
traffico de ideas traffic in ideas
Un nove version:
translation n translation (1. transference, removal; 2. as in "translation of a book")
translation n translation (1. transference, removal; 2. [special:
Math.; Phys., etc.]; 3. as in "translation of a book"; specif.
[Biochem.] as in "translation of messenger RNA")
translation del reliquias de sancte Vincente [Relig.] translation of the relics of St. Vincent
rotation e translation del terra [Astron.] earth's rotation and translation
Osso e trapezio:
trapezio n 1. [Geom.] trapezium; 2. [Gymnastics] trapeze
trapezio n 1. [Geom.] trapezium; 2. [Anat.] trapezium (bone); 3. [Gymnastics] trapeze
Osso in forma de trapezio:
trapezoide n [Geom.] trapezoid
trapezoide n 1. [Geom.] trapezoid; 2. [Anat.] trapezoid (bone)
ménage à trois:
triangulo (-ángulo) n triangle
triangulo (-ángulo) n 1. triangle; specif.: [Mus.]; 2. [Anat.] as in "triangle of atrioventricular node")
Triangulo [Astron.] Triangulum
Triangulo Austral [Astron.] Triangulum Australe
Le nervo del trigemino:
tri·gemine (-gé-) adj trigeminous, born three at one birth
tri·gemine (-gé-) adj 1. trigeminous, born three at one birth; 2. [Anat.] trigeminal
*trigemino (-gé-) n triplet
trigemino (-gé-) n 1. triplet; 2. [Anat.] trigeminus
Le trillo del rossiniolo:
- trillo n [Mus.] trill, shake
trillo n [Mus.] trill, shake; also: [Ornith.] warble
Nomines e terminos:
tri·nomie adj [Alg.] trinomial
tri·nomie adj [Alg.; Biol.] trinomial
nomenclatura trinomie [Biol] trinomial nomenclature
trinomio n [Alg.] trinomial
trinomio n [Alg.; Biol.] trinomial
Attention al cavallos!
troiano n Trojan (= inhabitant of Troy)
troiano n 1. Trojan ( = inhabitant of Troy); 2. [Informatics] trojan (horse)
... ma non (iste) tropo...
-tropo n [Rhet.] trope
tropo n trope (1. [Rhet.]; 2. [Medieval Mus.] tropus)
tuba n [Mus.] tuba (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. bass saxhorn)
tuba n I. [Mus.] tuba (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. bass saxhorn); II. [Anat.] as in "auditory tube"
- tupinambá [Tupi] n Jerusalem artichoke, topinambou
tupinambá [Tupi] n 1. [Ethnol.] Tupinambá; 2. [Bot.] Jerusalem artichoke, topinambou
- ubi·que adv everywhere; anywhere, wheresoever, wherever
ubi·que 1. adv everywhere; anywhere, wheresoever, wherever; 2. adj ubiquitous
Le omphalo:
umbilico (-íco) n [Anat.] navel, umbilicus
umbilico (-íco) n I. umbilicus (1. [Anat.] navel; 2. [Bot.] a
navel-like depression, as the hilum of a seed; also: Umbilicus; 3.
[Zool.] basal depression of certain spiral shells; 4. [Lit.] a central
point (as in "the navel of the world")); II. (1. [Gr. & Rom. Antiq.]
stick around which the scrolls were rolled; also: an ornamented or
painted ball or boss fastened at each end of such stick); 2. [Geol.] rock
umbilico de Venus [Bot.] navelwort
umbilico elliptic [Math.] elliptic umbilic
Le chassa al unicornes:
unicornio n unicorn
unicornio n 1. unicorn; 2. [Zool.] narwhal; 3. [Fin.] "a privately held startup company"
Unicornio [Astron.] Unicorn, the constellation Monoceros
Plus universe:
universalismo n [Theol.] Universalism
universalismo n 1. [Theol.] Universalism; 2. universalism (as in "the universality of human rights," "musical universalism")
Valorisa toto lo que es importante!
valorisar v to valorize ( = to fix prices by valorization)
valorisar v to valorize (1. [Econ.] to fix prices by valorization; 2.
to give or assign a value to (as in "the prophets valorized history";
"to valorize the achievements of a minor poet"))
valorisar le pace, le amicitate, etc. to valorize peace, friendship, etc.
Le guarda van:
vanguarda n [Mil.] vanguard
vanguarda n vanguard (1. [Mil.]; 2 [special: Art] avant-garde; also: [Pol., Lit., etc.])
argo e su velas:
vela n sail (“the sail of a ship”);
vela n ---
Vela [Astron.] Vela, the Sail
Le parola(s) del alchimistas e le alchimia del parolas:
Le virga e le marinero:
(Le 'virgonauta' virginal)
'Visa de entrata':
Le venabulo del chassator:
venate adj veiny, veined
venate 1. pp of venar; 2. adj veiny, veined
'Sentimentos toxic' distilla odio - o vice versa:
veneno n poison; also: venom (= poisonous fluid secreted by certain snakes, etc.)
veneno n poison; also: venom (= poisonous fluid secreted by certain
snakes, etc.); figurative: hate, hatred; malignity, malice, etc.
Le parola(s) del alchimistas e le alchimia del parolas:
Venus (vé-) npr Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.])
Venus (vé-) npr Venus (1. [Rom. Relig.]; 2. [Astron.]; 3. [Alchem.] copper)
'Exuvias' del vesuvio:
vesuvianite n [Geol.] veruvianitevesuvianite n [Mineral.] vesuvianite
Le virga e le marinero:
(Le 'virgonauta' virginal)
virga n 1. rod straight, slender stick); 2. [Naut.] yard
virga n 1. rod straight, slender stick); 2. [Naut.] yard; 3. [Slang] penis
'Visa de entrata':
visar v to aim (= to take aim)
visar¹ v to aim (= to take aim);
vider [vid-/vis-/vist-] v to see;
Hence: ... visar¹...
visa n visa, visé
Hence: visar²
Hence: ... visar¹...
visar² v [Admin.] to put a visa on (a document)visar un passaporto provide a passport with a visa
visa n visa, visé
Hence: visar²
Iste lista (augmentate) esseva publicate in Vocabulario de Interlingua: Addenda al IED.